Follow 5 Hygiene Tips while wearing Invisalign
What is Invisalign? Invisalign is the metal braces for correcting dental issues like overbites and gaps. Invisalign is also used to straightening teeth. Invisalign is also known as aligner, which is used to fix the proper alignment of the teeth and lastly, it helps to improve and give a proper perfect smile. Those who go for the treatment for Invisalign, it is important to know while wearing Invisalign how to maintain oral health. Our bowie dentists recommend some dental hygiene tips while using Invisalign to get the best results. 1. Brush Your Aligners Properly: Brushing your teeth is an important part of your daily life to keep your teeth healthy and strong. In the same way, it is important to brush and clean your Invisalign aligners to keep it maintained. Aligners are tough to handle it should be taken/ given proper attention and special care while brushing. Don't use toothpaste or the paste which includes baking soda to clean the Invisalign aligner. Y...